Fall to your knees and thank Father God for President Trump after so many years of lies and deceit. Thank Father God for men that Trump has appointed like RFK, Jr who has experienced the murder of family members compliments of the deep state.
The vaccine industry is a Trillion dollar industry fully engaged in genecide which has been in effect for decades if not centuries. Daily, good men are met & complexed concerning new born vaccines. Vaccine hesitancy is pure common sense. Sadly, every family has vaccine damaged members out of trusting the lies of junk science as the swamp is being cleaned.
Please skip the promotions and get to the meat of the discussion concerning vaccine damage. For decades we have been shouting the damage vaccines are causing at our own personal expense. Those speaking truth loudly have been banned, shunned, slandered, threatened and worse by the evil ones. Never back down and never stop speaking truth loudly, starting with His Truth.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. had some pretty amazing things to say about his boss Donald J. Trump upon being sworn in as the top man at HHS, Kennedy declared “Everything President Trump told me he was going to do, he has done, and I genuinely believe [he is] a pivotal historical figure.” John Richardson returns to SGT Report to help me keep score on the MAGA/MAHA game changer.
Remember, the evil ones are still out there as the fight for truth & justice continues and you’re needed more than ever before for the sake of the children and America’s future. Ignore the woke, vaxxed, confused, godless, libtards as they will destroy themselves with their own foolish stupidity.
Don’t stay in school and understand the difference between mass indoctrination and educational. Stop destroying newborns with vaccines alongi wth critical creative thinking with mass indoctrination through the public, private, homeschool fool systems.
In His Service
John 8:32