“This film is powerful. It’s the result of 50,000 miles on a bus across the country, hundreds of interviews with doctors, scientists, nurses, and parents who will no longer be silenced about the vaccine injuries and hospital protocol deaths they have witnessed.”
Herd immunity is herd stupidity! Is it possible to awaken sheep? Fear like lies prevail, continuing to rule the masses. Become a Truther and spread Truth far & wide starting with Jesus Christ. Millions continue to be damaged from cradle to grave with 74 new variants coming soon for the naïve compliant volunteers. Fear rules as thinking is difficult for most. Too many place job & money above health.
Health is Wealth. Critical thinking desperately needed because vaccines are not safe & effective at any level. This is published for all those who can’t discern Truth from lies refusing to take a stand for Truth as Truthers continue to be banned, shunned, slandered, cursed & vilified. Some are jailed or killed to silence the Truth.
When will real American Christians take a stand for Truth & Speak Loudly? This is a war on the mind…
It always boils down to money and the medical pharmaceutical complex is a trillion dollar industry, like the military industrial complex. They have 74 new variants coming soon…
Be Prepared!
In His Service
John 8:32